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ASJ是国际文凭组织IBO正式授权的IB学校,拥有K-12的IB一贯制认证。小学的课程核心部分是IB+香港课程。在这个核心课程下,我们培养的学生是有扎实的基础知识,和运用各科的基本技能熟练解决各种任务的能力。IB国际课程框架能为学生营造一个理想的学习环境,让他们不断探索兴趣、全面发展、实现自己的目标,并且我们希望通过IB PYP与香港课程的融合,让学生能够在夯实知识和学科基础的同时,积极探究、独立思考、并对自己的学习负责,最终她们获得全面均衡的发展,能成为主动进取、善于思考的终身学习者。
IBPYP六大跨学科的探究主题为学生提供探索未知世界的框架,涵盖语言、人文、个人/社会、数学、艺术和科学技术。主要为八个学习领域:中文、英文、数学、科学教育、信息与技术、UOI、视觉艺术(美术)、音乐、体育科 。
幼儿园同样以概念驱动的探究为课程的核心,使教育与世界接轨。主要有六个学习领域:中文(包括阅读)、数学、英语、视觉 艺术(美术)、表演艺术(戏剧、舞蹈、音乐)、体育科、探究课 程(综合能力培养、项目制)。
大班阶段会有针对小学融合课程的pre-school衔接课程,注重培养IBPYP课程所需的行为能力,如专注力、倾听力和表达力,同 时知识能力的准备,如识字、自然拼读和数的认识,为升入ASJ小学做好充分的准备。
G8韩淏睿在老师们眼中,是“静若清风,动若脱兔”的代表,他拥有中国跆拳道协会级位二级证书、社会艺术水平钢琴十级证书、第十一届香港国际钢琴赛中国赛区 一等奖和全国青少年机器人技术二级证书。韩淏睿的座右铭是“快乐之道不只在于做自己喜爱的事,更在于喜爱自己不得不做的事。”在ASJ,他依据自己的学习节奏有条不紊地均衡课内课外地学习时间;想要的事情,他一步步地做到了,既高标准完成学业目标,又能享受丰富多彩的业余生活,这侧面展现出他超强的执行力和专注力。
G8曹紫东则是遵循“顺势而为,蓄势而发”的成长节奏,他是学习委员和ASJ 2022-2023学年卓越奖学金获得者,他热衷于公益慈善、爱踢足球。在曹紫东身上,有一种同龄人少见的“云淡风轻”的气场。“我从来不会想太多,做好当下就好了,为什么要透支未来的烦恼?”他分享了情绪调节、自愈方式。首先是接受不确定性。人之所以会焦虑就是因为生活充满着不确定性;但我们应该学会坦然接受,且不放弃每一个变得更好的机会。其次是专注自我,不随意评价他人,把研究别人的时间,用于认真内窥自我,如此,别人对自己的评价也是“过眼云烟”,不值得投入大量心思构建别人眼中完美的自我。
助力每位孩子多方位发展,是ASJ的重要办学理念之一。在2023年生物与健康未来领袖挑战(HOSA-Future Health Professionals,简称HOSA )阶段比赛中,ASJ 12位中学生成功晋级决赛,5位中学生获得全国铜奖,2位中学生获得地区银奖,2位中学生获得地区铜奖。
As society continues to develop, education is becoming more and more of a concern. It is especially important for parents to give their children the right education.
At ASJ, we bring education back to its essence and help every child to become successful. Through the "IB + Hong Kong and Macau Integrated Curriculum", ASJ provides a 15-year international education for children of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and foreign nationals in preschool, primary, middle and high school.
We respect the unique attributes and potential of each student. Our mission is to strive to provide high quality, whole-person education programs through a student-centered learning environment that allows students to explore the ever-changing world using an inquiry-based approach to learning.
The IB program emphasizes mastery of knowledge while focusing on the development of study methods and skills. By mastering some study skills and methods, students can study more efficiently and have more time and energy to show themselves in the examinations. For example, in the IB program, students are required to complete some projects and papers independently, which helps students to practice independent thinking and independent learning skills, and to be well prepared for the exams.
ASJ is an officially authorized IB school. We have a consistent IB certification for K-12. The core part of the elementary school curriculum is the Hong Kong and Macau Inclusion Program. The IB International Curriculum Framework creates an ideal learning environment for students to explore their interests, develop holistically, and achieve their goals, and we hope that through the IB PYP, students will be able to actively explore, think independently, and take responsibility for their own learning. We hope that through IB PYP, students will be active inquirers, independent thinkers, and responsible for their own learning, and that they will ultimately achieve holistic and balanced development and become active and thoughtful lifelong learners.
The IBPYP"s six interdisciplinary themes of inquiry provide students with a framework for exploring the unknown, covering language, humanities, personal/social, mathematics, arts, and science and technology.
Kindergarten also has concept-driven inquiry at the core of its curriculum, bringing education into line with the world.
In the older classes, there is a pre-school bridging program for the elementary integration program, which focuses on developing the behavioral skills required for the IBPYP program, such as concentration, listening and expression, as well as preparing the intellectual skills, such as literacy, natural spelling and number recognition, in order to be well prepared for the transition to ASJ elementary school.
The International Education IB program is an approach in which teachers and students explore together rather than simply imparting knowledge, and this approach to education ensures that children receive a well-rounded and globally minded education. Through the IB"s multiple measures of learning from each other and global exchange, an in-depth understanding of all aspects of humanity and society is gained through hands-on experience. Then after the end of the course, job search and future studies, students are able to use what they have learned in IB enough to create a good contribution in their surroundings. Therefore, choosing an international education to educate your child will be one of the keys to future success.
When studying for the IB course, you can also include some key knowledge in the exam. For example, the same knowledge points such as calculus and statistics that are taught in the IB math curriculum will also appear on the Advanced Placement or other test-taking exams. This way, students will not only have a more comprehensive body of knowledge when they take the test, but they will also be able to tackle the exam with more confidence.
The IBMYP+ Hong Kong curriculum is student-centered and includes five major areas: environmental exploration, learning methods, community service, human creativity, and health and social education, focusing on the cross-pollination of subject areas to foster international awareness and promote all-round development.
To help students progress to the DSE program, the school provides course selection and start-up counseling for G9 (Form 3) students so that they can progress to the next level.
Through the IB program education from kindergarten to junior high school, children gradually become excellent lifelong independent learners with an international mindset.
In the high school DSE program in Hong Kong, ASJ integrates the IB curriculum"s focus on cultivating students" personalities and developing their overall abilities into education, improving students" performance while enhancing their problem-solving and independent learning abilities, making students more competitive and creating more possibilities for their development.
Let the future have
infinite possibilities
The Hong Kong DSE, known as the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination (HKDSE), is an annual public examination administered by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority, and is equivalent to the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination. Students are admitted to prestigious universities in Hong Kong, Mainland China and overseas with their DSE results. More than 400 universities in 16 countries around the world recognize the DSE results, and Hong Kong students can apply to 132 universities in China including Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University (covering 985 and 211 universities in Mainland China) with their DSE results.
The DSE exam consists of four required courses and two elective courses. The four required courses are: Language, Mathematics, English, and Civics and Society, and there are a variety of elective courses to choose from, including: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Chinese Literature, and Economics.
Compared to the domestic high school curriculum, the DSE curriculum has nearly 70% overlap in content, and the difficulty of science subjects is slightly lower than the equivalent study content in the mainland, so students with a certain foundation in science can achieve excellent results through the stages of study.
ASJ 2023-2024学年招生计划
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考试 | 时间 |
第四次考试 | 2023年6月17日下午 |
1. 香港、澳门籍适龄学生:持有香港或澳门永久性(非永久性)居民身份证、《港澳居民来往内地通行证》或《港澳居民居住证》;
2. 台湾籍适龄学生:持有在台湾居住的有效身份证明、《台湾居民来往大陆通行证》或《台湾居民居住证》。
3. 外籍适龄学生:持有外国护照或永久居留权证明(绿卡)。
ASJFall 2023
Admissions Program
Kindergarten - Grade 11, planned to enroll 300 students
Prospective Students:
1.School-age students from Hong Kong and Macao: required Hong Kong or Macao permanent (non-permanent) identity card, Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents, or Residence Permits for Hong Kong and Macao Residents.
2.School-age students from Taiwan: required Taiwan identity card, Mainland Travel Permit for Taiwan Residents, or Residence Permit for Taiwan residents.
3.School-age international students: required passport or certificate of Permanent Residence (Green Card).
Entrance Examination Arrangement:
Test | Schedule |
3rd Test | 2023.05.13 PM |
4th Test | 2023.06.17 PM |
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